Ali Wren

whole-hearted living, healthy-minded eating

Kindergarten Teachers are Super Heroes

Unending amounts of hugs, newly formed best friends, compliments like, “I love your shirt today,” telling silly and creative stories, seeking affirmation: “Do you like my shirt?”, sneezing and coughing without covered mouths, tattling for the smallest of reasons (which seem so huge to a child), laughing uncontrollably, reminders to wash our hands with soap when we are done using the restroom, making the biggest deal out of one sticker, singing catchy tunes to learn a skill, counting and skip counting, dancing, writing, spelling, reading…

Teachers barking: “wuh…. wuh…. wuh… what letter says wuh?” Or huffing: “huh… huh… huh…. what letter says huh?” And singing: “tih… tih…. tih… what letter says tih?”

This is what I see and hear when I walk into kindergarten classrooms. The kindergarten teachers at my school are super heroes.

True rock stars.

Patience personified.

Amazing people.

Full of love, day after day.

Kids in kindergarten are learning to READ, for crying out loud. I am brought to tears when I walk into kindergarten classrooms and see the students writing complete sentences, creating “wow” pictures, and reading books–with words.

I used to be intimidated by the thought of working with kindergarten-aged kids. I thought that it would be a lot like babysitting. But these kindergarteners are growing and learning by the minute. They are exploring, and seeking adventure. They are discovering their gifts and passions and talents. They believe they can conquer the world. All because the adults in their life have helped them believe it.

Kindergarten teachers, and ALL teachers, you are making an eternal difference in the lives of your students. On the days you feel like all you are doing is answering emails, cleaning up the messes, breaking up arguments and helping to mend friendships, preparing lessons and materials, redirecting behaviors, or sanitizing every square inch of your classroom, please know that you have been given an enormous responsibility to start these young learners off on the right foot. You will probably never know the lasting impact you are making.

You are super heroes. Thank you.


About Ali

I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.

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