February 2015 Goals
I cannot believe it’s February already. My husband and I have agreed that January is a month to figure out the trajectory for the rest of the year, and in the end, our annual big-picture goals actually reflect the course of 11 months. Who’s with us on that?
A quick recap of my January goals:
1. Read (that means finish) at least two books. Oops. I did not finish two books. I started them, but the struggle is always to finish them.
2. Keep a DAILY gratitude journal. My word of 2015 is gratitude, and I want gratitude to become a way of thinking for me. Yes, I did keep a daily gratitude journal. I forgot to write something down every day, but I caught up the following day. I plan to continue this for the whole year.
3. Exercise 12 times. Yes, and I want to take this to the next level in February.
Onto goals for February…
1. Run 3 times a week and strength train 2 times a week. (a more specific measure of working out 3 times a week)
2. Continue to write in my gratitude journal EVERY DAY.
3. Love my colleagues well. I’m a bit worn out this school year, especially during this time of year. And I don’t want to take that out on my colleagues. One way to specifically love my colleagues well is to write at least 5 anonymous notes of love and encouragement this month.
I will continue to read and reflect on these affirmations every day:
I will seek and express gratitude every day.
When I make a mistake, I will accept God’s forgiveness and grace, and move forward.
I will see the best in my husband.
I will not compare myself to others.
How did your January goals go? And I’d love to hear what your February goals are!
Love, Ali
Linking up with The Tiny Twig.
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.