Esther Be

A couple weekends ago, I had the opportunity to be a part of the Esther Be Gathering at The Madame Walker Theater in downtown Indianapolis. Esther Be was created by my friend Stacy to gather women to lead their generations out of exile through the release of shame, guilt and fear!
I shared my story of the shame and fear I carried for years under the weight of comparison.
I met these amazing women, my new friends and soul sisters. They each bravely and boldly shared their stories, and I am so grateful to know them: Sheena Koshy, Kaity Kasper, Jamie Wildt, Rebecca Berry, Denise Dilworth, Kelli Schmith, and Melanie Spring. Click here to read more about them.
My mom and friends came!
Each of us has our own story. No two stories are exactly alike. So, when we share our stories, it allows other women to let their guard down to share their story and it becomes a domino effect. You can be a champion for another woman living in shame, guilt and fear, just by sharing your story. By sharing your story, you could be the one that gives them courage to take that step out of exile. Thank you for being amazingly and beautifully courageous! // Esther Be
Will you be courageous to share your beautiful, messy, imperfect story?
Love, Ali XO
Photography by Oh Be Joyful Photography.
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.