Direction and Vision

Katie loves her friends, neighbors, family, church family, and women online with her whole heart. She encourages others in the places they are, and is always willing to share about what the Lord is doing in her heart.
How does she overcome the comparison trap?
I think it starts with sitting down with the Lord and getting some clear direction and vision for what he wants for you right now. I am not a fancy photographer, or fashion guru, or famous so when I see those things I am reminded of where God has called me. And when I see others who are called in a similar direction to me and am tempted to compare, the Influence Network has really helped me to lean in to those people, cheer them on, promote them, and trust God for how he will uniquely lead me.
I love Katie’s reminder to ask God where he wants us right now. I think our purpose and calling can change as we enter different seasons of life. God keeps telling me to seize my season.
When I think about my current season of life, I hear God calling me to use my gifts to love others well–my students with special needs, my colleagues, my family, and so many women in my life (online and off) by offering a listening ear, a praying heart, or an encouraging word. He is calling me to love my husband and encourage him in his dreams. God is also calling me to trust Him with my present and my future.
Where is God calling you to be right now? Ask Him for direction and vision.
How can you savor your season?
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Love, Ali
(This is part of a series from To see all posts in this series, click here.)
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.