Ali Wren

whole-hearted living, healthy-minded eating

Perfect as You Are

Holli is the kind of friend who loves well. She is caring, kindhearted, empathetic, and compassionate. Holli isn’t afraid to ask me how I’m really doing. She sees the best in me (and in everyone). She has the most contagious laugh, and is full of pure joy. Holli was my maid of honor, and I […]

Teach Me

We can’t always see our friends as often as we’d like. Distance, families, busy schedules. So many things seeking our attention. It’s easy to put friendships on the back burner. Rach Kincaid is a hospice nurse, mom to 6, wife, encouraging writer and speaker to thousands of women, and a friend who balances it all. […]

Permission to be Vulnerable

Friendship is a gift, and authentic friendship is a rare gift. I value the friendships that have been in my life for years. But I’m finding so much beauty in the gift of new friendships. I met Shannon a few years ago when she joined the staff at our elementary school. Over the years, our […]

Deep Places

My beautiful friend Denise taught me what authentic friendship can look like. We met the first week of college. Her twin sister was in my freshman orientation group and immediately played match-maker, saying that we would make the best of friends. She was right–Denise and I hit it off right away! Our friendship grew closer as […]


Lauren and I met through mutual friends at a local Wild and Free book event. Even though we only had a few minutes to chat, we jumped right in to deep and connected conversation. We quickly exchanged phone numbers, and carried on with our evening. A couple weeks later, Lauren invited me to grab coffee. […]


My friend Ashley is a true extroverted go-getter who loves to be around people. She tackles working full time, co-owning an online magazine, contributing to national magazines, and coaching writers–all while being a wife, toddler mom (with another baby on the way), and a really good friend. I asked her what authentic friendship means to her: […]

Sharpen Each Other

Laura Arbo is a wife and explorer who lives life with such adventure and beauty. Even though I’ve only met her one time, I feel like she’s my friend. Laura shares her life in a fun way online (I love her Instagram stories), and she makes you feel like you’re spending time together at a coffee […]

Love Language

My love language is hands down words of affirmation. I often feel a prompting to tell a friend how much she means to me, what makes her beautiful, or ways I appreciate her. Sending encouraging cards, emails, or text messages to my friends comes naturally to me. And it means so much when friends speak […]

The Hardest Part

My friend Malinda is a wife, home-schooling mother, and writer who strives for authentic faith, intentional living and thriving relationships in all she does. She writes about friendship, and my favorite post that strikes a chord in my heart is Deep Friendships Are Hard. Malinda quit her day job a year ago, and her best […]

See the Good

Do you ever feel like there are seasons where you do more of the giving in your friendships? When we give so much of ourselves to our friendships, we are bound to get our feelings hurt, and it’s not always easy to see the good in our friends. It’s not easy, but it’s always a choice.  I’ve been hurt […]