Ali Wren

whole-hearted living, healthy-minded eating

Overcoming the Comparison Trap: A Manifesto

For the entire month of October, I’ve been writing about overcoming the comparison trap. A few years ago, I noticed that competition and comparison were keeping me from living a whole and heathy life of authenticity and purpose. This summer, I went on a quest to ask women in all walks of life how they overcome […]

Eyes On Your Own Paper

Hilary Rushford is unlike any entrepreneur I’ve ever met. She is insanely successful, smart, beautiful, and talented in many areas. But more than all of that, what I love and respect about Hilary is that she exists to help others live a better story, and become a better version of themselves. Hilary loves God, she loves […]


When I set out on a journey to ask women how they overcome the comparison trap, I noticed several themes. A big theme was love, which makes sense. Loving others, loving the journey God has called us on, and loving the person God has created us to be. While I believe comparison is a struggle all women […]

Protect Your Heart

In order to overcome the comparison trap, I’m realizing how critical it is to protect my heart, especially in this social media age. I asked a few of my online-turned-real-life friends about overcoming comparison, and they offer some encouraging insight about protecting our hearts. The comparison game is a tricky one. But never underestimate the power of the unfollow button. […]


Let me tell you about my friend, Courtney. Courtney is not only my friend, but my colleague of 5+ years: we’ve been on the same special ed team since 2010. When you work with people over several years, you get to know them in a close and authentic way. You learn what makes them tick, and […]

Plain and Simple

How does Rach Kincaid overcome the comparison trap? Jesus–plain and simple. One of the easiest ways I overcome the comparison trap is by simply refusing to go there. I delete social media off of my phone some days when I need to focus or rest or not be distracted by others’ lives. I speak truth […]

Magnify the Good

I don’t know about you, but I am an expert at magnifying the bad things in my life. I struggle with this thing called anxiety. And I have a hunch I’m not the only one. Anxiety has the ability to take over my mind, and zoom in on the endless “what ifs?” and “I give ups.” When I’m stuck in […]

Uniquely Gifted

Do you feel confident in the place God has planted you? Do you feel equipped with the gifts He’s given you? If you’re like me, it can be hard to trust that God has a perfect plan for us, right where we are, and easy to compare ourselves to everyone else. I asked Ashlee Proffitt how […]

Right Where I Am

Let me tell you about three remarkable women on the internet. They are devoted and loving wives who live their lives with purpose and passion. And they feel grateful for the story God is calling them to live.  Caroline focuses her fitness on serving God and serving others. Jacey encourages women through her writing and podcasts […]

Whose I Am

Comparison sinks its way into attitudes and actions, and brews forth thoughts of negativity. When I am caught in that ugly, unsettled place, I pray for my heart. I pray God takes what is not of Him and humble me by the remembrance of whose I am and the purpose He breathed into my life. […]