Ali Wren

whole-hearted living, healthy-minded eating


Words of affirmation are my love language. I love giving and receiving them. Growing up, my mom always used to write notes of encouragement to me, and to her friends and family. I followed in her footsteps and started writing words of affirmation to my friends and family. I always experienced such joy in writing words of encouragement to others.

When I started college, I found new friends to write words of affirmation to. During those four years away, a few really close friends taught me how to speak words of affirmation, not just write them. They also helped me genuinely receive them. I used to have a difficult time receiving compliments from others. I did not know how to simply say “thank you” and believe that others wanted the best for me.

I learned a lot about myself when I was away at college. I learned how to be a better communicator–how to look others in the eyes and to feel confident in what I have to say. Somewhere along the way, I had developed the habit of using paper and computer screens to hide behind.

I think handwritten notes are awesome to give and receive! Texts, emails, Facebook messages, and social media comments. All of these are so meaningful.

To me, the most meaningful way to give words of affirmation are face to face.

I challenge you to affirm others with words, both in written and verbal form. Be brave enough to truly tell your friend how much she means to you, how much you appreciate that unique trait about her. It might feel awkward or uncomfortable at first, but the more you speak words of truth and affirmation to others, the easier it gets. Trust me.

Love, Ali xo


About Ali

I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.

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  • Christy Campbell

    I love this! I too love words of affirmation but I’m usually more prone to write them than to speak them, so thanks for the nudge!

    • Ali Wren

      You’re welcome!