2016 Reflection

My word for 2016 was SEEK. I tried to seek patience, faithfulness, gratitude, hope, joy, and beauty instead of seeking worry, doubt, fear, and negativity. There were also a lot of prayers I was seeking–for myself, my family, and my friends. I’ve been reflecting on the year in my prayer journal, and even though 2016 is coming to a close, I will still keep praying the prayers that haven’t yet been answered.
Highlights of 2016:
- Writing my first e-book: #InstaEnvy: A Manifesto for Overcoming the Comparison Trap
- Saying “goodbye” to a 9-year special education chapter in my life and embarking on a new journey in first grade. I’m so grateful for my 22 students that I believe God hand-picked for me.
- My little sister got married!
- Meeting new people and deepening my community of friendships.
- 31 Days of Authentic Friendship
- Adam ran 3 marathons!
- We helped start a new church.
- Chicago girls trip with my mom.
- Traveled to New York to spend time with my dad.
- My niece by love, Mackenzie Rose, was born.
- Trip to Charleston, SC with Adam.
- No melanoma this year!
- My gram’s journey of healing from a brain bleed.
- Family photos on the beach in Holland.
My word for 2017 is SURRENDER. It feels like the opposite of seek in many ways, but it’s the word I keep coming back to. This year, I want to focus on surrendering anxiety, a scarcity mindset, selfishness, control, and the “must be nice” thoughts that get in the way of true connection and community.
Do you have a word for 2017? I’m creating backgrounds and wallpapers for smart phones and computers to stay mindful of our word or phrase for the year. You can order yours for $0.99 here.
Thank you for letting me share my life with you. I hope that 2017 brings you love and joy.
Love, Ali XO
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.