You Are a Masterpiece

My mom has always wanted me to love and accept myself. She wanted the best for me, and always will. All moms want the best for their children. All parents do. I can’t imagine what it must be like to watch your daughter grow up, and feel helpless at times when it seems like comparison and competition are all around her.
The comparison trap exists every day. I have struggled with self-worth my whole life. I decided to be a stay-at-home mom and never received a college degree. I compared myself to other career women, and didn’t feel worthy for much of my life. I think it’s important to recognize that the Enemy is always on the attack, trying to destroy our self-esteem, and vetting all of the ways to make us feel unworthy.
By placing my trust in God, I can conquer all things. God has said time and time again to me: “I have created you and you are a masterpiece in my eyes. I have given you gifts of compassion, mercy, and a heart to serve others.” God has blessed me with a job to be able to help others, and I have come to realize there is no point in comparing ourselves to everyone else because our time on this earth is so fragile.
When I was a young mother, raising my daughter in her teen years, I witnessed girls giving her the up-and-down look, making her feel insecure. I haven’t been perfect, and I admit I focused too much on body image and what others thought of me. If I had the chance to do it over again, I would have accepted myself, especially in front of my daughter.
The bottom line is this: in order to overcome the comparison trap, we need to thank God for who He has created us to be, and ask Him to help us focus on all of the good He has in store for our lives.
I love this reminder that we are all a masterpiece. Take some time to thank God for who He created you to be, and ask Him to continually show you the plan He has for your life. And if you have a daughter, take my mom’s advice to accept yourself–just as you are–in front of her.
(This is part of a series from To see all posts in this series, click here.)
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.