With Different Eyes

Do you notice yourself growing envious or discontent? Mary Graham offers some practical and helpful steps in overcoming the comparison trap:
When I notice I’m comparing myself to others or becoming too envious and discontent, I do two things that seem to get me back on track: one, I stay away from the internet. Nothing makes my life seem more crappy and lame than seeing pretend pictures with good lighting on Instagram or blogs. So I just take a break. The second thing I do is make sure I’m spending time in the Word every day. I’m less likely to be unhappy with my life or jealous of others if I’m taking time to grow in my relationship with Jesus. Then when I feel stronger or safer, I’ll venture back to Instagram or my favorite blogs and view them with different eyes. Normally that works, but sometimes I just have to stop following people or stop reading someone if it’s causing me to stumble too much. I just can’t have that stuff in my life, it’s not worth it.
- Take a break from the internet. I don’t know about you, but this is a discipline for me. A necessary one, but difficult nonetheless. When I’m waiting in line somewhere, the first thing I automatically do is pull out my phone and open up social media. Mary is so right about the internet making life seem more crappy and lame.
- Spend time in the Word every day. I like to read the Word at the beginning of my day, but in all honesty, some mornings are a little more rushed than I would like, and I neglect my morning quiet time. That’s when I easily think to myself: Forget it. You failed. There’s no more time in your day to grow closer to God. Give up. I’m learning to give–and accept–grace, and that it’s okay to read the Word on my lunch hour, or when I get home from work. God does not keep score. He wants me to seek Him, and is waiting for me with open arms all hours of the day.
- Return to the internet with different eyes. Mary’s quote: “When I feel stronger or safer, I’ll venture back with different eyes” really hits home for me. It is critical to give our hearts time and space to heal from envy or discontentment.
- Stop following if I stumble. There have been instagram accounts that I have had to unfollow–either for a season, or for good. I have learned that it’s okay to hit the unfollow button, because it has more to do with my own heart, than the person I am unfollowing.
Do you need to take a break from the internet? Stop following someone? Make a disciplined effort to spend time in the Word every day?
Pray for God to help your heart heal, and to help you view social media with new eyes. He will help you.
Love, Ali
(This is part of a series from write31days.com. To see all posts in this series, click here.)
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.