Teach Me

We can’t always see our friends as often as we’d like. Distance, families, busy schedules. So many things seeking our attention. It’s easy to put friendships on the back burner.
Rach Kincaid is a hospice nurse, mom to 6, wife, encouraging writer and speaker to thousands of women, and a friend who balances it all. What does authentic friendship mean to her?
Authentic friendship looks like FaceTime. For hard conversations or just for that extra oomph of “I care,” I click the button to make sure I’m looking at my friend’s face before I speak.
I’m intentional about my friendships by asking them how they like to be loved. I admit my vulnerability and weakness when it comes to caring well for them, and I ask them to teach me how to be a better friend.
Face time is the best way to be a good friend. When we can’t together in person with our friends, let’s actually FaceTime with them!
When is the last time you asked your friend(s) to teach you how to be a better friend? How to love her the way she needs? (A long time? Never? Yeah, me too. It’s not too late to start now.)
This is part of a series called 31 Days of Authentic Friendship. Click here to see all posts.
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.