Stay in Your Lane

Hayley Morgan cheers other women on in their passions and dreams. Her confidence and creativity are quintessentially contagious to women in all walks of life.
How does she overcome the comparison trap?
I try to keep my eyes on my own lane. Just like driving, if you take your eyes off the road for too long you’re going to be swerving into oncoming traffic or into someone else’s lane. When I get down to the heart of it, I want my life and work to be authentic to me, not beautiful so-and-so who is driving along beside me. -Hayley E. Morgan
We all have those friends who appear to have the good life. Everything seems to come easy for them. That couple who gets pregnant right when they try. They have the perfect house, the perfect church, and the perfect kids. Then there’s that friend with the perfect body. And the sweetest husband. And the cleanest house.
You’re thinking of that friend (or friends) right now, aren’t you?
Comparing ourselves to the perceived perfection of others is a dangerous place. By focusing on others’ paths, we lose our own story.
I want to “keep my eyes on my own lane,” as Hayley says, and live the life and story that is authentic to only me.
These three truths help me keep my eyes on my own lane:
1. Remember that God has called me to live a different story.
When I focus on the story I have been called to live, I am able to experience freedom and to enjoy–and embrace–my journey.
2. Ask God to help me use my energy and passion to steward my life well.
Over and over again, I am learning to surrender my fears, doubts, and insecurities in exchange for dreams, and hopes, and to focus on the talents and originality I bring to the world.
3. Cultivate gratitude for the people, gifts, and blessings I do have.
Gratitude really does change everything. There is so much to be grateful for, and I’m learning to make gratitude a daily practice in my life.
What helps you keep your eyes on your own lane?
Love, Ali xo
(This is part of a series from To see all posts in this series, click here.)
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.