Right Where I Am

Let me tell you about three remarkable women on the internet. They are devoted and loving wives who live their lives with purpose and passion. And they feel grateful for the story God is calling them to live. Caroline focuses her fitness on serving God and serving others. Jacey encourages women through her writing and podcasts about marriage, getting out of debt, spiritual and personal growth, and health. Jessica shares her love of food, recipes, and meal planning, and is in the process of adopting their son from the Philippines.
How do they overcome the comparison trap?
In order to overcome the comparison trap, we must first be secure in the promises of who God says we are and claim them! Until we are truly confident in who we are in Christ Jesus, we will continue to wrestle with the comparison game. I am not saying those feelings will ever truly go away (hello sinful flesh), but if we know who we are and whose we are, we can claim those promises when our flesh says something less! That’s why knowing the truth of God’s word and find out our worth and value inside of Him will always be the cornerstone of living healthy and happy! – Caroline, Fit For His Glory
Two simple thoughts help me avoid falling into the comparison trap: I’m right where I’m supposed to be, and He knows what He’s doing. My safety and purpose don’t depend on what others think of me, or even what I think of myself. There’s a beautiful story unfolding right in my midst, and I’ll miss it if I’m watching everyone else. – Jacey Verdicchio
I have been a small business owner for over six years and anytime I feel that creeping feeling of not measuring up or being good enough or as successful as someone else, I try to remind myself that the Lord has provided exactly enough for me right where I am. He alone is in control of my business and my finances and my only true job is to glorify Him and love the people He has placed in my life. Sometimes we need that little perspective shift to help us focus less on the numbers and more on the work He has provided us. – Jessica Wood
Be sure to check out:
- Jessica’s current series: GraceFULL Suppers
- Jacey’s previous series: Doing Less to Build More
- Caroline’s devotionals.
(This is part of a series from write31days.com. To see all posts in this series, click here.)
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.