Plain and Simple

How does Rach Kincaid overcome the comparison trap? Jesus–plain and simple.
One of the easiest ways I overcome the comparison trap is by simply refusing to go there. I delete social media off of my phone some days when I need to focus or rest or not be distracted by others’ lives. I speak truth to myself about the way that God made me and the calling He’s placed on my life and the resources He’s given me to pursue it. I honestly believe that everyone struggles in some capacity too, so I remind myself of that when I get bogged down with the lies that say I should be doing more or looking better or whatever. Plain and simple, I ain’t got time for that. I’d rather keep my eyes on Jesus than anyone else. – Rachael Kincaid
How does Moriah Steiner overcome the comparison trap? Jesus–plain and simple.
Jesus. Plain and simple. I often struggle with comparing myself to those around, no matter how different their journey may be. But when I look to Jesus, and view myself through His eyes and His will, I realize it’s not about measuring up to anyone else’s standards. It’s about Jesus. It’s about living in contentment with the gifts and talents He has given me and working to use them for His glory. It’s hard. But, Jesus–plain and simple. – Moriah Steiner
Help us to keep our eyes on You. Remind us that You are the reason for everything–plain and simple. When we feel tempted to believe the lies that we are not enough, and that we don’t measure up to the world’s standards, reign us back in and show us our worth in You above all else. Give us wisdom and strength to establish necessary boundaries with social media. Help us to hear Your Truth above the noise and lies of this world.
(This is part of a series from To see all posts in this series, click here.)
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.