Home Team

Allie Seidel is a wife, new mom, and designer with an incredible website and Instagram page. Allie has an eye for detail and beauty, and it is evident through her words that she always looks for the good in life. I asked her what authentic friendship looks like, and here is what she had to say:
My friendships have always been important to me, but even more so since becoming a mom. Having a few close friends that I can share openly and honestly with is my lifeline. I’m extroverted at heart and love having an extensive social network, but I think it’s especially important to figure out who the people are on your home team, and invest strategically there. Anyone can share the good in their life, and we have plenty of room on social media for that, but it takes risk and vulnerability to share the undone/messy/challenging parts of our lives, but that’s where the real reward in friendship is.
I love what Allie says about the reward in finding our home team, and investing our energy there. Such good stuff, Allie!!
This is part of a series called 31 Days of Authentic Friendship. Click here to see all posts.
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.