
My friend Ashley is a true extroverted go-getter who loves to be around people. She tackles working full time, co-owning an online magazine, contributing to national magazines, and coaching writers–all while being a wife, toddler mom (with another baby on the way), and a really good friend. I asked her what authentic friendship means to her:
Authentic friendship happens when two people are free to be who they are because their needs have already been met. It’s two whole people coming together to connect vulnerably without fear of failure or rejection.
I think that friendship like this takes time and intentionality. At the beginning stages of many of my friendships, I have found myself afraid of what the other person thinks–afraid of failing her, afraid of her rejection. As I’ve put in time and energy into my friendships, I’ve experienced true, raw connection. These kind of friendships are such a gift, but I need to remember that they don’t usually happen overnight.
Do you have a friendship (or friendships) like this? If not, what do you think might be holding you back from experiencing authentic friendship? Is it too much space and time between visits and conversations? Fear of rejection? Fear of failure?
I’m learning as I go–letting go of fear while embracing the freedom and beauty that can be found in my friendships.
Love, Ali xo
This is part of a series called 31 Days of Authentic Friendship. Click here to see all posts.
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.