Eyes On Your Own Paper

Hilary Rushford is unlike any entrepreneur I’ve ever met. She is insanely successful, smart, beautiful, and talented in many areas. But more than all of that, what I love and respect about Hilary is that she exists to help others live a better story, and become a better version of themselves.
Hilary loves God, she loves people, and she loves helping others. (I want to be her friend in real life.) Hilary lives her life “in the sweet spot balance of GRACE + GUMPTION.”
How does she overcome the comparison trap?
I keep my eyes on my own paper! Seriously I try to put on blinders and just not really pay attention if someone feels like my “competition” because I haaaaaate feeling competitive. And I stick to celebrating and supporting my friends whose brands and revenue streams are different than mine. – Hilary Rushford
If you don’t follow Hilary on periscope or Instagram, you should. Be forewarned: her periscopes are addicting, but so worth the time.
(This is part of a series from write31days.com. To see all posts in this series, click here.)
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.