A Bigger Story

It can be so easy for me to hop on social media, and immediately notice the success of others. It’s easy to do in real life, too. When I see someone excel, I am tempted to turn it back on myself, seeing all that I lack.
What if I could make the choice to see others’ successes as a perfect part of God’s beautiful story?
My friend Kelly overcomes the comparison trap by celebrating others:
I’ve learned that it’s all about celebrating–celebrating the successes and victories of other people. Social media gives us a unique window into so many others’ lives, and it can be easy to see what others have that we lack, or others achieving the things we only dream about. Yet I’ve learned to celebrate in those moments that I want to compare–celebrate my brothers and sisters and the unique way that God is working in their lives to further His Kingdom, and trusting that although it may look different in my own life, He is just as actively working in my life as He is in others. We’re all a part of a bigger story, and that’s the story I want to be told. – Kelly Halsch
Will you join me in celebrating others?
Let’s choose to see our brothers’ and sisters’ talents and celebrate them, instead of noticing what we lack.
Let’s ask God to help us celebrate, instead of compare.
Let’s ask Him to show us how–and where–He is actively working in our own life.
Let’s allow God to tell our story–His story through us–and remember that we are all a part of a bigger Story being told.
(This is part of a series from write31days.com. To see all posts in this series, click here.)
About Ali
I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.